Arkansas City Clerk's, Recorder's & Treasurer's Association
FAQ - Answers
So, who are we?
-ACCRTA is a membership organization. Our members are currently serving in the role of City Clerk, Recorder, and Treasurer for a municipality within the state of Arkansas. Members of their staff are also eligible to join.
Why should you become a member?
-Our mission is to provide support to others in the profession. ACCRTA does this by providing mentors and ongoing educational opportunities.
What is the benefit of attending ACCRTA sponsored trainings?
-You will receive in-person education/knowledge from speakers who are knowledgeable regarding our profession. This includes, but is not limited to, the Arkansas Municipal League Attorneys and local leaders/officials.
-ACCRTA provides an opportunity to all members to apply for a scholarship that goes toward the cost of registration of attending ACCRTA sponsored workshops/educational training. To be eligible an applicant must be a current member of ACCRTA.
-ACCRTA's fiscal year runs from July through June of the following year.
-If you have multiple people working within your office they may be eligible to join. Please remember before they can join, there must be someone (Clerk, Recorder, Treasurer) who is a Full Member.
-Membership fees: First Full Member - $50 per year, Deputy Member - $15, & Association Members $10.00 (The $50 fee for the First Full Member applies to either the municipal clerk, recorder, or treasurer or to the member of the clerk/recorder/treasurer's office who applies as the First Full Member of their office/municipality.)
-In order to qualify for a deputy or association membership, you must perform at least 50% of the duties of the Clerk/Recorder or Treasurer where you work.
How do I become a member of ACCRTA?
-Click on the Membership tab above then click on payments. We accept online payments as well as paper checks.
How to become more involved with ACCRTA and IIMC?
-Reach out to any officer or the Mentor Committee Chairperson.
How are the districts determined that split up the state of Arkansas?
-Our District Map matches the current congressional district map used by the Arkansas Municipal League (AML).
Can a city clerk/recorder/treasurer, who is a non-member of ACCRTA, still obtain a mentor through the ACCRTA's membership program?
-No, mentors are a perk of being a member of ACCRTA. The Arkansas Municipal League offers a ListServe option where individuals can ask questions of individuals in the Municipal Clerk profession. Please know, ACCRTA does not have access to approve individuals to ListServe.
How can I apply to be on a committee?
-Sign up during the Annual Business meeting that is held in conjunction with the Arkansas Municipal League's Summer Convention.
-A member of ACCRTA can also reach out to the ACCRTA President to request to be added to a committee.
How do I become an ACCRTA Officer?
-You must first host a District Workshop or Regional meeting. Once this goal is completed your name will go on a list that the Nomination Committee will pull from. If you have hosted a District Workshop or Regional Meeting, and you are interested in serving as an officer, please reach out to the Nominations Committee Chairperson.
What is the difference between an ACCRTA District Scholarship, an ACCRTA Memorial Scholarship, and a Municipal Clerk Institute (MCI) Scholarship?
-A District Scholarship is a scholarship that any ACCRTA member can apply for to be used toward the cost of attending an ACCRTA District Meeting.
-A MCI and Memorial Scholarship are scholarships that any ACCRTA member can apply for to be used toward the cost of attending the annual MCI event held in September of each year.